Nong Lam University - Ho Chi Minh City
Quality Management office
Quality Management office (QMO) is devoted to Nong Lam University - Ho Chi Minh City as an education - training, science - technology unit. It was etablished under Decision No.3413/QD-DHNL-TCCB dated 10th October, 2017, formerly was the Center for Testing and Quality Assurance (CET-QA) President’s Decision No.796/QD-DHNL-TCHC dated 04th June, 2007.
QMO was etablished to assure quality requirements and to enhance stakeholders' satisfaction, with the motto “Continuous innovation”.
News - events
Updates relevant domestic and international educational testing and quality assurance news.

Hội nghị quốc tế của Diễn đàn đảm bảo chất lượng đại học ASEAN (ASEAN-QA Forum)
Diễn đàn Đảm bảo chất lượng Asean – QA nằm trong chuỗi các hoạt động của dự án Asean –…
Photos and Activities
QMO and NLU events photos and activities